有關牙齒型態的設計,第一個碰到的問題就是應該以哪一顆牙齒為基準? 患者能夠表達的就是『怪怪的』,但往往不知道從何改起,為此我們遵守一個簡單的規則,先從嘴唇的框架來決定門齒的切端位置,並以黃金比例(1:1.618)為 門齒:側門齒 的外觀寬度基準,了解空間以及其限制後,才能進一步設計最終的藍圖。
About tooth design, the first consideration is morphology, we start our treatment plan with the incisal edge position, then follow with Golden Ration Proportion to the laterals.
the case is presented to us as a falling central restoration, we did a simple ortho treatment to create space for the peg lateral, then final detailing with provisionals.
Hope you like it.